Best Dining Room Design in Singapore

In a rapidly progressive world today, many new homes are opting out from dining rooms due to space constraints, where many people are converting the space for dining rooms into an extra bedroom, lounge, or playroom.

Dining Room Design

Society today is also busier than ever, so having a proper sit-down meal without distractions have become scarce, where many people would rather multitask with working, sending an email, or taken social media, pushing a proper meal with the family into the backseat.

As many studies have shown- and many have ignored, distracted eating has severe negative impacts on both appetite as well as digestion.

dining room design

An important role the dining room plays in the house is giving a clear separation between functional areas, giving a clear distinction that this specific space is meant for meals. This is where technology is non-existent and quality time is to be spent with families to enjoy food and catch up on daily events.

Additionally, our designer Caine has done very well in including a dining room while accommodating to modern society’s demands of time efficiency, by including a small pigeonhole in the kitchen area where non-family, quick meals or snacks can be enjoyed whilst you are working or studying! This is to discourage the unhealthy and unsanitary practice of having food in your bedrooms- which attracts unwelcome guests and may cause severe pest issues in the future.

design for dining room

Stay tuned to our page by liking and following us to keep up with this Clover Rise Project as we will soon be showcasing other areas… next up: the kitchen! Feel free to reach out to us as well through whatsapp or messenger to begin your transformational journey with us.

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Supportive Searches: dining room design, interior design consultant company, lounge interior design, top interior decorators singapore.


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